Top 3 Factors to make children Smarter

Every Parent's dream is to have a Smart child....

I am a father of daughter. Like every other parent we wish to have best for our children. We aspire, they do not encounter the challenges or troubles we faced in our life. Every parents dream, is they help their child to become SMART, SMARTER....

Is this possible ? As a concerned parent I am researching, exploring , discussing with other parents and also leveraging on our own parents and our generation parents.

I am not sure , as I am also in trying exploring phase, but here are Top 4 factors which may help, to make our children smarter.

Music helps develop the part of brain which we very rarely utilize in our routine education system.
Music helps to relax. Music makes us fit and fresh.
In-fact Music helps at all ages and delays the ageing of brain after 40+.
If we cant practice we can listen to music for few minutes.

My daughter started playing Piano 2 years ago, I can see the benefit and also positive impact on our good health.

Adequate sleep is a must for brain development.
Depriving of sleep may have negative impact.

We pushed waking my daughter from 15 minutes, 30minutes, 45minutes from the earlier scheduled time and going to bed early 15, 30minutes from the earlier time. The result she is more active, feels less tired at school and fresh after returns from school.

Simple 15minutes exercise like Skipping, Cycling , Jogging motivates the brain to accept data.
Mental activity post 15minutes exercise triggers better retention and processing of complex data points.
Exercise helps good blood circulation and fresh oxygen helps brain for the processing.

Alternate days we involve her in skipping and cycling for 5 to 10 minutes. It develops appetite for break-fast as early as 7.00AM. It  helps her to drink water and facilitates better digestion.

Never skip break fast.
Supplement breakfast with high carbohydrates and glucose contents on the exam day.
Brain and body will benefit by the carbs and glucose.
In-fact a diet of carbs and glucose few days before key exams will motivate better results.

Milk is a must with some supplement for nutrition and proteins. Almonds and Pista on regular days. She loves chocolates and rice. This are generously but in control are supplemented, during exam time.
Recently started , RESULTS and impact are yet awaited. But she felt less tired after a 3hour writing specially for Maths and Science which involves speed writing and heavy thinking.


Anonymous said…
Hi Manoj,

This topic is really nice. My kid 1.5 yrs old and we used to listen him chants everyday.
Keep sharing.

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