Play Golf and Kick the Anger (Part II)

Kicking balls is the best way to beat Anger......

My earlier post I shared the experience of  game at school to hit with a ball and Tennis game to strike the ball.

In both cases I was subtly venting my steam and channeling negative energy , thoughts into constructive output.
This used to make me feel joyful and energetic. In both cases it supplemented my good health and hence good productivity.

Once my friend invited me to Golf Course. It was my first visit and experience to visit a Gold course.

Anyone who is a frequent ( each one is after the first visit) will appreciate this facts after you visit a Golf Course or Range.

1. The impressive GREEN lush lawns gives you a boost of energy and calmness.

2. The scenic landscaping and wide range gives a great boost to vision and bliss to eyes.

3. The calmness and serene environment cools all your stress the moment you walk on the greens.

Just a visit gives you such a boost and makes you forget the fights, debate an stress of the day.

He then introduced me to Golfing etiquette and rules. This is a gentleman's game and game to induce discipline and manners.
No wonder many corporate are encouraging senior executives to learn this game also to have discussions meetings in such a healthy non-polluted environment.

He then gave me my first lesson.

1. I had to hold a 5 Wood Driver ( Golf equipment, after the glove is firmly set in your weaker hand)
2. Position the Tee in the green.
3. Place the Golf Ball on the tee.
4. Now take the Golf Stance.
5. Take a light swing back and just let go the Driver to connect the ball.
6. Then if you are lucky and your wood connects with the ball (may not happen initial few balls), you will hear a lovely voice TAK.
7. You will love watching the trajectory of the ball landing on the lawns.

Well it is not so simple, but this is just the simple getting started and I skipped details as this is not meant to be Golfing session.

Now imagine.
1. Before you place the ball on tee, visualize the ball as the one with whom you had debate, had difference of opinion , or anyone with whom you were angry.
2. Now take a deep breath.
3. Take your stance.
4. Take your 5 Wood Driver , Swing it slowly as back and up as you can.
5. Now just visualise the golf ball as the one in above . It should look like a football to you.
6. Now just let go all the energy built-up in you, and transfer the energy to your swing.
7. Just be focussed to let the head of your driver connect to the ball (visualise it as size of football or had of your trigger source of anger)
8. Let it swing from up above and come down and HIT the ball.
9. If you lucky and aimed well and had the perfect energy channelized with correct posture, you will hear the TAK and will be happy to see the ball or head of your anger source zooming high in sky and landing far away.
10. Wow what a AHA moment.....
11. You will have a smile on face and positive feeling rushing from brain to heart.
12. If you dont connect , pick another ball, place it on tee and repeat  1 to 10.

I generally once a week visit the driving range and pick 50 balls to drive.
I visualise the various situations, people, anger source events and go about step 1 to  10.
I have 5 special colored golf balls in my kit. This are reserved at the last for those special folks with whom we can neither have debate, or argue like few Bosses.
Also I reserve a 1 Wood Driver for this 5 special colored golf balls.

I repeat the steps 1 to 10 for each of this 5 colored balls, but take my own sweet time to visualize and hit them as hard and as far as possible.
Farther and higher the ball zooms and larger the noise TAK of the ball when hit by WOOD , greater the joy like an ejaculation from heart.

1. It makes me feel good.
2. It allows me to vent steam with no harm to others.
3. It gives me a feeling of joy and energy.
4. I am recharged for challenges ahead to take more tough deals.

It enhances my good health, triggers productivity and efficiency.

If you dont believe....Give it a try....Everyone in deep heart likes to hit when you are angry.

In deep thought we wish to Kick the Balls of anger source....But you cant in real world....This triggers Stress.

So go ahead......Kick some balls (I mean Golf balls)....enjoy the green and feel good.

Happy Golfing......


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