Beat the STRESS, "OM" way or "AUM" Way

"OM" or "AUM" --> Welcome to the Almighty Power of Universe........

I grew up in a simple family and was inducted into basics of yoga and power of almighty as a child.
My father had a Photograph of  Symbol "AUM" and it had meaning written..."AUM" means Welcome to the Gods.
As a child I did not understand much of this nor had any interest ion Yoga. But when I used to hear my father chant the word AUM or OM, used to feel good and calm. As years passed and I got busy with career and growth, the chanting of  "AUM" was forgotten.
I chanced upon this almost after 30years as a an accident and during a Leadership Workshop. We had a module on "Managing Stress", and the facilitator conducted a guided meditation using the "AUM" or "OM" chanting and breathing technique.

I have been practicing chanting of "AUM" for last few years and found it very useful.

How to Chant "OM" or "AUM" ?
This is a simple easy to do activity. Simple steps are available at

You can try this and invest 5 minutes of your day as suits your schedule. Infact you can do this even at work. Slowly when you feel better if you wish you can increase the duration.

When to Chant ?
I chant in morning , evening and before I go to bed. But I started initially only in the morning after my walk was done with my Pet Lab Retriever.

Any Benefits ?
I found the following benefits slowly dawning on me. We should at least practice for 5 minutes for 30 days.
Following benefits I experienced and I am experiencing on a ongoing basis.
#1. Started feeling more healthy and fresh.
#2. Frequency of falling ill diminished.
#3. Hypertension became more normal and controlled.
#4. Feeling more calm.
#5. Frequency of irritability diminished. 
#6. Started getting better sleep.
#7. Waking up early feeling fresh.

When chanting AUM, the first pronunciation of "A" creates vibrations, which affect the spinal cord increasing it's efficiency. 
The second pronunciation of "U" creates vibrations in the throat and affects the thyroid glands. 
The last pronunciation of "M" brings vibrations to the brain centers, as a result of which, the efficiency of the brain increases.(Courtesy above mentioned site) 

Medical Science Confirms the Benefits:

The Pineal gland is positively impacted by the chanting of AUM. You may find more details here

Where will this help me:

#1. It will help you while you learn new things. Since Brain is better activated.
#2. It will help you at work, dealing with various stakeholders.
#3. It will help you handling irritable situations, like being stuck in traffic , waiting in queue etc
#4. It will bless you with holistic feeling.
#5. It will have better Work - Life balance. 

So go ahead "AUM" way.........

I will share in my next blog, How "AUM" helps children deal with various challenges , specially the teens....


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