How the Hell , do we manage our Managers ?

The most favorite topic of discussion or concern among young managers is, “How should we MANAGE our Managers?”.
In fact I think the thought of managing the Managers is the most high-priority thought or concern after the most debated and liked topic “Sex”.
Honestly speaking I wonder why everybody is so worried or concerned about managing the managers. They should either focus on Managing Self, Managing teams, Managing Health or Managing Spouse.
Well all said and done , giving honest answer is not the best practice (I know it is paradoxical), not at least in current recession times.
Well keeping humors apart, let us dissect this question and address the challenge.

First and foremost the reality is “You can never choose your Parents and Managers”.
So you either learn to “Live” with them or decide to “Leave” them.

The choice is yours and entirely yours. I feel leaving should be the last action and actually never an option.
So let us see “How to Learn to Live”. 

Rule #1.
This is an ancient wisdom and passed from generations, this remains the best approach. The rule is “The Manager is Always Right”, so please do as they tell, when they tell and what they tell.
This may not be the most likable option always, but this is one of the safest and most successful of approaches to manage the Managers.
 Of course whether you want to be safe or not is also an option for you to choose.
This also means let the Manager manage you or give him a feeling that he is managing you.

Rule #2.
Never ever give the impression or create an environment which gives your manager a feeling that, “You are a Perceived Threat or Challenge”.It means be knowledgeable but never try to project your knowledge in such a way, which may put your Manager against a wall or in a helpless cornered state, especially in front of his peers or managers.
Make conscious effort to achieve success, but be cautious, never to be pompous. It may give a feeling of you as a perceived threat. "Never forget “Perceptions are Reality”. The Perception will work most of times against you, and may create hurdles in future.

Rule #3. 
Work towards making your manager look good in forums and give credit to him for successes. Don’t forget his existence is your identity. Never criticize him in public and in presence of his seniors.

Rule #4.
Never Challenge your manager. Most managers do not like to be challenged. Very few and fortunate are the ones to be blessed with managers who encourage and appreciate the challenging attitude.
Also it is most natural of human behavior, it is instinct a godly gift, when we are challenged we are either going to be defensive or offensive. Both these behaviors may work as a disadvantage.

Rule #5.
Know your manager, his likes, areas of interests and dislikes. It means you need to make effort to align as per the likes, areas of interests and avoid the dislikes of your manager when you are in his company. Some managers are Technology focused, some are Domain experts, some are Process driven, some are People driven, some are Organization Goals driven, and some are driven by their Managers.
It is important hence for you to “TUNE” yourself to the “FREQUENCY” of your manager’s likes and dislikes.

Above are a few approaches to develop a Collaborative relationship and move towards a Win-Win state. The above are also set of rules which I call as Low Risk – High Gains,Very rarely Low Risk - Low gains. This is also a rapport building exercise.

The weak link in the above Rules is it means at times for you to facade, compromise on your true feelings, give credit for things you deserve and at the end of day feel “FRUSTRATED” or used.

But who said “Living” is going to be easy, it is a Challenge and you have to Learn few new things and Un-learn few old things……… If you cannot do the above you “Leave”…….. You may find the rare greener pasture of a manager tuned to your wavelength elsewhere.

Now you know the recent research findings which say, “People do not Leave Organizations, they Leave Managers”


monica said…
Very nice indeed Manoj with your typical touch of humour! I personally believe in leaving, leaving again and again till I find one with whom I love putting a facade.:)

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