Qualifying Tata Mumbai Marathon: 21 km Half- Marathon......Patience, Persistence, Perseverance

Tata Mumbai Marathon: 21  km Half- Marathon......Patience, Persistence, Perseverance
They say a journey of 1000 miles, begins with a single step.
I have been in sports, gym etc. Fairly fit and healthy. Incidentally I never was into Running as sport , race or fitness activity. Frankly, I had this inhibition or phobia of running continuously.
Last few years, I used to see folks participating in various Running Events, Jogging in parks etc. I used to get tempted and did give it a try few times, only to give up with excuses since my heart was not into it.

April, 2017 and few months away from 50 years completion in September 2017, I decided I am going to run, and not just run.....I am going to run a Tata Mumbai Marathon Half-Marathon (21 KM).

Once decided I knew , I had to do it. Also one lesson I learnt early in life, when we announce our Goals , Dreams to larger group of near and dear ones, they all converge and support you to make happen. Also as self we have to live upto faith they have in you, and you cant let them down.

Well Deciding and Announcement are the most Important 1st and 2nd step in any Dream or journey.

The next step is to find a teacher or guru or guide or mentor or coach , we can have different names, but someone who will help us take this baby-steps.
On the auspicious day of Gudi Padwa in April,2017 I seeked a teacher and expressed , I am going to turn 50 in September and I need to learn to RUN.
How ironical it may sound, we have been running from the day 1 when we learned to take those baby steps. Only to un-learn and forget  them as we grow up.

"We stop running as we age, NO, we age since we stop Running"
Human beings evolved and survived, since they were built for Long distance running.

I learnt the basics or art of Long Distance running.
Step 1: Run->Left Leg- Right Leg-Left Leg-Right Leg....keep doing this 
Step 2: Stop when you cant talk while on run. Walk few steps. Left leg - Right leg-Left Leg- Right Leg
Step 3: Run again when you can talk.....keep doing Step 1 and Step 2
Well very simple , you start with few 100 meters and keep doing Step 1 to Step 3 , again an again , day after day, month after month......

This is the tough part. Doing above every day needs to train mind more than the body.
Since  I was not into running, my mind used to influence the body and brain to give excuses and cajole me to give up.
It could be excuse  like too early to wake up, shoe-bite, knee pain, bad weather, work pressure etc.....
Training the MIND is most important next step, if you wish to RUN a Marathon.

So every day every moment awake or asleep, I was telling my mind....I am going to run that 21km. Nothing can stop me. Neither the excuse from brain or pain in the body.

It meant wake-up early morning 5am every day , warm up, stretch and start running at 6am. Step 1 to Step 3.
Neither April Summer, nor July monsoon and neither the Nov winter  chill kept me away from 5am wake-up and run at 6am.

I started with 1 km - 2km - 5km and did my 1st 10KM after 1month.
Yes I proved, NO PAIN, No GAIN. In the heat of May summer, under scorching sun I completed my 1st 10KM in 80 minutes. Yes, and the joy  was worth that very drop of sweat and pain in every part of body.
Not only it gave me faith in self, but love for running.

I felt a surge, now I am ready for Tata Mumbai Marathon.
Alas only to get surprise and shock, you need to qualify and submit timing of select events to be selected for Mumbai Marathon.
I was new to all this running world, qualifying , timing , registration etc
I had never ran previously and the registration for Tata Mumbai Marathon 2018, starts in Aug,2017.
My heart sank, I was sad will not be able to reach my dream.
I did not give up , continued my practice and enjoying my run.

They say, where there is a will, there is always a way.

In June,2017 NIO Vision announced Timing based run, the timing of this run could be used for applying at TMM.
Wow I became excited, and looked at the qualifying timing required.
10KM 70min ! 
Oops, my heart sank again. My 1st 10KM I had done in 80min. I had to do now to qualify in 70min. Almost Impossible. 
But I believed:  If you think , You Can. Mind can move mountains.

On the d-day of NIO it was raining. Certainly not the best environment if I wish to run faster and reduce my time by 10min. It is risky, I may slip, sprain in unknown deep puddle. By now i had trained my mind, I have to do it.
I started my run, with full energy and determination, only goal was i must qualify for TMM.
I was doing good, till rains started lashing. It was my 1st experience after childhood, running in rain.....no visibility.Roads slippery, tshirt clinging to body, shoes getting heavier with rain. Body getting cold , shivering setting in.
I said If i miss this qualifying, I will miss 2018 and will have to wait 18 months to participate.
I started visualizing I am participating in TMM in Jan,2018 and my mind told my brains you cant stop left leg - right leg - left leg- right leg. You cant slip. You cant fall. You cant stop. I continued and ran pushing every muscle and using every ounce of stored energy and continued the gruesome journey and reached finished line.

I was not having watch nor had time to wait and check. Once completed I got the message on my mobile " Congratulations you completed 10KM in 67 minutes".
I was breathless, heart thumping and almost in my mouth. Tears started rolling down my face.
I had done it, I had made Impossible into I M Possible. My Personal Best in 2months. My score was eligible and good for qualifying for TMM, 2018.

Yes, Patience, Persistence and Perseverance. I was ready to apply in Aug for TMM, 2018.
Special thanks to my child hood friend Niteen Tambat who sowed this weird thought we can run after 45. He had done Full marathon after 45. 
My teacher Prasad who helped me with my 1st baby steps and basics of running, Step 1 to Step 3. My running buddies, who kept sharing tips.
My family who tolerated my weird crazy early morning schedule.
All my friends who helped and had faith , loved me and supported me to continue and not give up.

Only those who dream , dare to make it happen.
Patience, Persistence and Perseverance....can make ....I M Possible.


Unknown said…
Yes it is true......
Anand Munshi said…
Wow Manoj ji. Very inspiring. I'm taking some lessons from it!!
Surekha said…
Manoj you are a rock star. Keep it up buddy. Next goal is leh
Poonam Kamboj said…
It is always enjoyable to read someone 's experience of running specially not being a runner before :)
Ujjawal said…
Superb Article.. Full of energy and motivation.
Sonali Deshmukh said…
Vow. You have always been so inspirational!!
Sagar Thombre said…
Well written experience & illustration of power of determination.
DocTintin said…
You r impossible
I M Possible
Happy running 🏃🏻
Div said…
Unknown said…
What an amazing journey. I am so excited and eagerly waiting for more!!
Vikas said…
Great very inspiring
Very inspiring story, Manoj. Achievement against all odds. I like the phrase 'deciding and announcing'😀
Unknown said…
It will help me to qualify TMM 2019. Thanks a lot.

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