Best Wishes for Std Xth and Std XIIth students.....

Dear Parents,
Rome was not built in a day, so is career.
We need to add one brick at a time, every academic year is like laying a brick.
Std Xth and Std XIIth are one of the few bricks , which we add . Yes, they are final bricks to the 1st step and stepping stone to whole new brave world.

All said and done, they are not the end of world nor end of career.
As parents, we are the architects and need to be sensitive to few aspects.

I feel our parents, did teach us many a things in upbringing of children ( most of them did have more than one child) and are proud parents today of successful ones.
If we can imbibe and implement few, I am sure we can be good architects to our child (most have only one today) and can be responsible for creating a safe and happy environment.

I am attempting few and sharing same here for like minded parents :
1. Remove Fear.
I recollect, a table top on my fathers office table.
It said Fear alone is Death.
All my child hood days, I never saw my parents afraid or scared of any situation. Be it professional or personal.
We all went thru ups and downs, turbulence and storms.
One learning was dont be scared of situations. Remove your fear. Deal with it.
All things pass, so will the storms and turbulence.

I feel we as parents we need to share and be role models to be fearless.
We need to share and help them, overcome and deal with situations.
We should not scare them with Academic Marks, Competition etc is like end of world or final brick in the Tower of life.

They have to deal many a things in life.
Being Fearless , is as important and relevant for lifetime as other academic subjects.

2. Accept Failure
Failure is the 1st step to success and not the last or final one.
As parents, have we never failed in life. It is just that now we are the judge of ourselves.
I feel failure is a brilliant teacher. Provided we are trained to learn. 

I was a very ordinary and non star performer, many a times have failed in Mathematics.
My parents never gave up on me, nor compared with other stalwarts. 
They always supported and encouraged, and did create environment to accept failure and learn from each one.
They always mentioned, god has gifted all with talent we just have to be patient for it to spark.
I think Removing fear and creating that safe fearless environment and non criticism oriented approach to deal with failures , helped me a long way  in accepting them in walk of life.

It is a different story I went ahead and did my post-grad in Applied Mathematics and research in Theory of Relativity.
We need to help our students understand failures, accept failures and educate them in accepting and dealing with failures.
No success is possible and no success sustainable without the brick of failures.

Failures help us savor the success, like quenching the thirst with water, after hot sun. We will relish and appreciate success, only when we learn to deal with failures.

3. Celebrate 
We only live once, and our almighty or creator will be happy if we celebrate.
As parents we do not need to wait for big success or achievements, like only Std Xth or Std XIIth results.
We need to celebrate every achievement. 
Of course we all are aware we appear Xth and XIIth only once, so what we also live only once.
I recollect, my school days my mother making sweets and celebrating even when I used to just pass or get grace marks in Mathematics or English language.
My father used to bring kite and encourage me to fly them high , when I used to come home with happy face after exams (of course most of the times I used to be happy, since I had no fear nor worry of failure).
I learnt celebrating is more important not when we feel others have achieved as per our expectations, but when we have no expectations but others are still happy.

We need to pass on this learning and help them practice the art of celebrating.
Expectation - Achievement = Frustration (WRONG)  
No Expectation - Any Achievement  = Celebration

Best Wishes to all of us parents.
My daughter too is appearing for Std Xth.
I too am trying to attempt sharing this learnings.
I have experienced the above 3 values help a lot and much more in the school of life.
Learning them and practicing them is ongoing and necessary in the college of world.
Let us all together make this humble attempt, to create this learning.
Be Fearless. Accept Failure and Celebrate.

Father of a Daughter


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