Feb,18th , Full Marathon......After 2 attempts spanned across approx 9 months.....Yes Did it

42 KM ....Full Marathon.....Mind over Body, Wins....Done


My earlier blog talked about my attempt to complete the Full Marathon, and the failure.
Yes Feb,18th not one of the best weather, and my 3rd attempt to go for completing FM.
I could not sleep.
I was anxious.
I was tense.
I am human, had failed twice earlier.

Feb,18th, 3rd attempt , once again 3.00am .

I completed the first 21km in good time of 2.40hrs.
I now once again set my eyes for FM.
I was looking for my buddy, Arjun.
I requested him I am keen to complete and will need him to pace and support me for the next 21km.

Yes and the journey began.
6k done and it was uphill, we were behind the support vehicle and missed them.
Panic struck me , my water was over no glucose.
Lips started to dry as it as almost 7.00am and the Sun was starting to show true colors.

I kept telling , not again not again today I give up at almost 30Km.
But god almighty just before Panic took over me, I took over panic by quick decision due to support of Arjun.
We knew a shop will be open 1 km down the road, and we can pick water.
God helps, who help themselves.
Yes , we got water and also glucose biscuit.

With renewed energy and faith that gods are with me, We both picked momentum.
Arjun could have sprinted and completed the run much faster and much earlier, but he sacrificed his personal best and faster completion just to be with me and hand-hold me the last killing few km.

As i passed the last best distance , I was overcome with mixed feelings.
That moment I realized, The Aha thought......Running Full Marathon is 80% mental readiness and mental strength and mind calmness.
I experienced the power of negative thoughts and lack of team, running mate, in influencing  failures.
They say Aim for the sky, you will at least end with handful of stars.

This were my learning from earlier 2 attempts, I had mentioned in my earlier blog.
Leveraging on them and with Arjun as my support and buddy , I knew slow steady step at time i will do it.

By 8am , we were running facing towards East and the rising sun in its full glory and warmth.
This is were the mental readiness and running buddy comes to rescue.

We were 6km away , drained , sweating and fatigue taking over.
Every step was a challenge.
By 8.40am we had done 41Km.

It was just 1km more, and once again I felt I had reached the end.
I felt enough, let me stop. I could not take one step further.

Then I had this scary thought, If I dont do this 1 km, my 41km effort of 5.40hrs is waste.
Also much scarier thought was, will need to go thru this again in April, again from start.

I gathered all my energy and Arjun holding my hand said yes 1 km and finish is just round the corner.
I visualized myself at the finish line , and started picking my steps and slowly strides.....

Rest is history....
Yes I did it FM 5.50Hrs.

That AHa moment.

1. Have patience
2. develop Perseverance
3. Practice slow steady scalable sustainable mantra
4. When the goal is away, dont sprint.....take one step at a time and then another step and then one more...
5. If you think, you can....

It is You(Mind) vs You(Body), make sure YOU win.....


Unknown said…
Congratulations again Manoj! Very well written!

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