Best Wishes for Std Xth and Std XIIth students.....
Dear Parents, Rome was not built in a day, so is career. We need to add one brick at a time, every academic year is like laying a brick. Std Xth and Std XIIth are one of the few bricks , which we add . Yes, they are final bricks to the 1st step and stepping stone to whole new brave world. All said and done, they are not the end of world nor end of career. As parents, we are the architects and need to be sensitive to few aspects. I feel our parents, did teach us many a things in upbringing of children ( most of them did have more than one child) and are proud parents today of successful ones. If we can imbibe and implement few, I am sure we can be good architects to our child (most have only one today) and can be responsible for creating a safe and happy environment. I am attempting few and sharing same here for like minded parents : 1. Remove Fear. I recollect, a table top on my fathers office table. It said Fear alone is Death. All my child hood days, I never saw my pa...