Feb,18th , Full Marathon......After 2 attempts spanned across approx 9 months.....Yes Did it
42 KM ....Full Marathon.....Mind over Body, Wins....Done http://manojvanjari.blogspot.in/2018/03/journey-of-270-days-to-reach-that-magic.html My earlier blog talked about my attempt to complete the Full Marathon, and the failure. Yes Feb,18th not one of the best weather, and my 3rd attempt to go for completing FM. I could not sleep. I was anxious. I was tense. I am human, had failed twice earlier. Feb,18th, 3rd attempt , once again 3.00am . I completed the first 21km in good time of 2.40hrs. I now once again set my eyes for FM. I was looking for my buddy, Arjun. I requested him I am keen to complete and will need him to pace and support me for the next 21km. Yes and the journey began. 6k done and it was uphill, we were behind the support vehicle and missed them. Panic struck me , my water was over no glucose. Lips started to dry as it as almost 7.00am and the Sun was starting to show true colors. I kept telling , not again not again today I give up at almost 3...