
Showing posts from February, 2023

Ecstatic Crescendo at the Ascent and Descent at Tata Ultra Marathon

  Ecstatic Crescendo at the Ascent and Descent of Tata Ultra Marathon Challenge As the sun set on a chilly evening, and welcomed the moon rise on the chilly night, I stood at the starting line of the Tata Ultra Marathon, one of the toughest and most scenic ultramarathons in the world. The route was super high rolling and elevated, promising to push me to my limits both physically and mentally. But I was ready for the challenge. Vedi Vini Vinci As I set out on the super high rolling and elevated route of the Tata Ultra Marathon, the night enveloped the landscape, shrouding the hills and valleys in an impenetrable darkness. The pitch-black terrain added a whole new level of challenge to the already arduous task at hand. Running on the narrow, winding paths in the absence of any natural light source, required me to focus intently on the terrain and rely heavily on my sense of touch. The Mountains and Valleys : The Challenge Adding to the difficulty of the terrain was the chill in the ...

Creating Miracles in Everyday Life

  " Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life" by Wayne Dyer.  I am writing this note as a return gift to Mr. Arun Wakhlu.  He gifted me this book, at one such time, when you are in the right place, surrounded by right people doing all the right things by the book and yet you don't get the success as defined by society and corporate.  Sir, I am so blessed had the opportunity to work closely with you and also observe you. Thanks for being a mentor for me.  Eureka... Eureka... I read the book, imbibed few key pointers and Voila slowly started seeing light at the end of tunnel.  I will start with the most profound Zen wisdom from the book.  When the disciple is ready, the teacher appears.  They say good gifts should be passed, since sharing is caring which triggers learning and growing.  So here is my humble attempt, to crisply bring the salient key pointers from the book.  It also is an invitation to read the book.   The boo...

Why Marathoners make better Corporate Professionals

Marathoners vis-a-vis Corporate Professionals : Bankers , IT Professionals  & Advertising Gurus Marathon runners are not just people who love to challenge their physical limits, but they are also a good choice for corporations looking for employees who embody certain traits. I am making a humble attempt  to share from my journey and experience in both the fields.  I have been a IT Professional, Software SME working in BFSI, ERP specialist now in Digital advertising a journey spanning 3 successful decades also a Marathoner, Ultra Marathoner, Randonneur and Fitness Coach. I am attempting to present a case  to examine why marathon runners are ideal candidates for corporations and why they bring a unique set of skills and attributes to the workplace. Also they say, picture says more than 1000 words, so for the Visual oriented.....sharing few pics of the same person.....balancing success at work and on track. Determination and Perseverance Marathon running is not an e...

The Agony and Ecstasy of running a Barefoot Marathon at Tata Mumbai Marathon 2023

  Running a marathon is a Herculean feat, one that tests the limits of both physical and mental fortitude. It is a journey that elicits a plethora of emotions and experiences, ranging from agony to elation, frustration to triumph. They say a picture is worth more than 1000 words, yet I will dare to pen few of my experiences which the pictures may not communicate. The Agony and Ecstasy of a Marathoner is not so obvious or visible from the pictures, hence the humble attempt. I am attempting to keep brief the various highs and lows associated with the crossing of finish line. I dared to run the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2023, bare foot. I am sharing few of the behind the scenes thoughts and experiences which I did undergo before, during and after the event. Most of this are speaking to self, stating in loud and most Marathoners will resonate this words with feelings they have undergone at some point in the run. Physical Strain: "As I traversed the pavement, my legs felt as if they were mi...