Journey to Heaven, thru Gates of Hell..............

Journey to Heaven, thru Gates of Hell...... Heaven on earth Leh-Ladakh. Yes a Photographers delight. Vacationers Paradise. Adventurers dream come true. and Runners, Hell......... Ladakh Marathon on Sept,9th 2018 was a challenge to 7000 mad people. Since only extreme madness, can drive you to run at 11,000 ft above sea level. No sane person, worth his salt will even dare to dream to run at such a height with extreme low oxygen. Leh, a high-desert city in the Himalayas, is the capital of the Leh region in northern India’s Jammu and Kashmir state. Generally in September temperatures are pleasant around 16 degree during day and as low as 3 degree during night. I will like to start with the end or climax moment. Our team completed the HM,Half-Marathon. Yes we were a team who dreamt together to run the Ladakh Marathon in Feb,2018. We as a team, passed thru the finish line on Sept,9th 2018. The crazy dreamers were my mad run buddies, Jai , Prakash ,...